The End …?

Did you really think that was the end ? Hahahahah no. WE ARE BACK !!! 😀

       On the 21st of September 2016, the DreamTeam (well, only Tanguy, Loïc, Lucie and Sarah because we had to be four) went to the « Palais des Congrès » of Dijon to participate to the final  blog competition. It was amazing !!!

First, we arrived around 10:00 a.m. overthere. Clairelle LESTAGE (who organized this competition) welcomed us and led us to a big and scary room where we met the other candidates. She explained us that we had to write an article about « The journalists and the Internet ». We worked from 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.. So we started to search informations, to choose a title, pictures, a topic… We decided to write two articles: a French one and an English one. We were helped by Miss Granero and Miss Vadot. We also had to prepare some questions for two journalists that we interviewed at 11:30. It was very interesting.

       3:00 p.m.: Verdict. We were so impatient to know the results that we arrived first in the room. Stress. Fear. Anxiety. Everything was there to accentuate suspens.

                                          4th position: Lycée Charles de Gaulle                                         3rd position: Lycée Parc des Chaumes

       One more…

And the 1st position… Lycée La Prat’s.


So we arrived 2nd. We were a bit disappointed but proud of us. 🙂

Miss Vadot, Loïc, Lucie, Sarah, Tanguy and Miss Granero !
Miss Vadot, Loïc, Lucie, Sarah, Tanguy and Miss Granero !

We intend to go on with this blog, in English of course but why not in other languages like German or Spanish ? Time will tell. 😉 Thank you to follow us and let’s start the school year with joy and good humour !!

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