Our trip in England – DAY 3 : Wednesday 9th March

In the morning : We took the bus like every morning and we went in Stratford-Upon-Avon, the town of Shakespeare’s birthplace. We visited his house and we learnt that he had a lot of brothers and sisters. His father was a manufacturer of gloves. After that we had free time and we appreciated the town with souvenirs shops.


Afternoon : We ate on Shakespeare’s house where we assisted at a little representation.
After, we went to Anne Hathaway’s Cottage. Anne Hathaway was Shakespeare’s wife. She was the elder daughter and with her family, they lived on a farm. She was 20 years old when she got married to Shakespeare who was only 18 years old. We studied the history of her life. Then we went back to our family’s.

Garance, Maëlys, Faustine

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