Having a penfriend…

It is sometimes difficult to improve our English or all sort of foreign languages without a daily practice. Luckily, there is a solution:


Indeed, speaking English, German, Spanish, etc, with natives allow us to do considerable progress, whether by e-mail, social networks, audio or video call…

The advantage of having a correspondent is obviously to practice a language with someone who masters it perfectly. Your penfriend who will become for sure your friend, will be able to teach you the different colloquial expressions and words, used every day in his native country. A vocabulary sometimes very different than the one taught at school.

We have made the experience to have english penfriends thanks to our school and to the Europeen section. More than penfriends, they became our friends. We talk with them by facebook, snapchat and by email. We share many common features.

In last February, we were lucky to meet them during an afternoon at them school. We could talk together while eating snacks, some sandwiches and fruits. They made us visit their school that it is bigger than ours. Then we participated to one of their classes. We ate, after, a tasteful cream tea. It was a gorgeous experience that we’ll never forget!

Pauline BERNIER -Marie Lou BAILLIET 2nd Euro

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