Secondes Section Européenne

Cette année encore, une trentaine d’élèves de seconde Section Européenne du Lycée Prieur de la Côte d’Or ont eu l’opportunité d’échanger par mails avec des lycéennes de Guildford High School (Surrey) puis de les rencontrer dans leur établissement lors du voyage en Angleterre en février dernier.

Une rencontre inoubliable après les échanges virtuels qui leur avaient déjà permis d’en savoir plus sur les différences entre les systèmes éducatifs et les goûts et passions des jeunes filles britanniques.

Après une visite de cet établissement à la pointe proposant diverses matières inédites (art floral, cuisine…), les lycéens de Prieur ont eu l’occasion d’assister à des cours avec leur correspondante respective avant de déguster un délicieux « cream tea » qui les a enchantés !


Oxford – Londres

du 28 janvier au 2 février 2018

63 élèves en classe de secondes et premières Section Européenne se sont rendus quelques jours à Londres et à Oxford pour découvrir des lieux uniques et parfaire leurs connaissances culturelles et linguistiques.

Au programme, de superbes visites agrémentées de quelques rayons de soleil : Hampton Court, Buckingham Palace, la relève de la garde, Piccadilly Circus, le Musée dHistoire Naturelle, atelier théâtral au Globe Theatre, la Tour de Londres, visite guidée d’Oxford, de l’Ashmolean Museum et rencontre inoubliable avec leurs correspondantes britanniques à Guildford High School.

Une semaine riche en découvertes, en bonne humeur et en émotions !

National History Museum


Harry Potter’s staircase

Oxford college

Globe Theatre

Trip in England !

We went to England from 28th January to 2nd February 2018. We took the bus to Calais and to go to England, we took the ferry-boat. We arrived in our host families around 7.30pm .

On Monday, we took a walk in London, in the district of Westminster. We saw Westminster Abbey, Big Ben (but it’s in refurbishment, so we have seen a scaffolding tower), Trafalgar Square (we saw the 4 lions made with the bronze from the French army canons and….PIKACHUUU !!!), we saw the 10 Downing street (the Prime Minister’s residence), the Whitehall, the Mall and Buckingham Palace ( the Queen was here because the Union flag was raised). In the afternoon, we visited the Natural History Museum…

On tuesday, we visited Hampton court, the castle of Henry VIII. He was the king who had 6 wives and he ordered the execution of two of them. In the afternoon, some students who hadn’t any penpals visited Guildford the students who had exchanged by mail with their penpals in Guildford High School visited them !

On Wednesday, we visited Oxford, especially Oxford College. We discovered the refectory and the stairs which had been taken models for the Great Hall of Hogwarts (in Harry Potter) and the stairs where Mrs.McGonagall greeted the new students in the first film. Inthe afternoon, we visited the Art and Archaeology Ashmolean Museum.

On Thursday, we visited the Globe theatre of Shakespeare, we had the opportunity to practice drama exercises. That was quite funny ! In the afternoon, we had a walk on the sides of Thames to the Tower of London. We visited this castle and saw the Crown jewels. In the evening, we didn’t return in our families because we ate a fish and chips in a pub. After the meal, we visited London by night in the bus with the funny teachers’ comments.

On Friday, in the morning, we took the bus again to return to France with a few heart-breaking farewells of some students to their host family. After an eternity, we finally arrived in Auxonnecity !!!

That was a fantastic trip ! Thanks to Mrs.Vadot, Miss Renault, Mrs.Miler, Mrs.Labaune, Mr.Jouvet, Mr.Tarnaud.

Claire CARRE and Quentin DARDOISE, 2nd européenne.


Last year, I had the chance to go on a trip to England with the European section. It was a very enriching experience which allowed me to discover the English culture. I had a crush for this country and its people.That’s why when my teacher suggested me to go again, I did not hesitate at all. Returning to this country will allow me to discover new things about England and to improve my English. What I enjoyed the most last year was to see London by Night and to visit my penfriend’s High School in Guilford. I definitely think that if you had the opportunity to go there, you should not hesitate to visit this country because it is an amazing experience not to be missed. There are magnificent landscapes to be seen and very interesting sightseeing places. The journey itself was very pleasant because there was a great atmosphere in the coach between the teachers and the pupils. I hope that the trip will be juste the same this year and that we will discover a lot of new interesting things!

By Sara Ghazouani, 1ES2

Why do I want to go back to England ?

Last year I had the opportunity to travel to England due to the fact that I was in a European class, this year when I heard that I could go back to England, I didn’t think twice.

  • I loved England, as well as London

  • and as well as Brigthon

I was not really able to visit Guilford town center as I was sharing a fantastic afternoon with my pen friend in her high-school at the same time. So, I went to visit her high school, which was a great experience! This year it will be the opportunity for me to visit this city.

I really liked England. I loved the atmosphere of this country straight away, As for the English, most of them seem so kind and nice. They are open minded and do not judge you, well, less than in France I suppose…

By returning to England, I will return to a new host family with my friends and so live a new experience. And of course it will help me to improve my English level. So, ready, steady, go ! I cannot wait and i am looking forward to being in the coach heading to the UK at the beginning of 2018 !

Salomé Bouvret 1ereES.

Why do I want to go back to England ?

Indeed, I have already been to England last year and it was an amazing trip ! It was at this moment that I really had a crush for this country. It is a gorgeous and warm country contrary to the clichés and English people were extremely nice with us!

During my last trip in February 2016, we were able to meet our penfriends in their huge and awesome Guilford High School ! It was a great experience which we will do again this year! I cannot wait to be there, honestly !

The program is nice and very interesting and a little bit different from what we did last year so we will visit new things! Of course, I want to go back to London to do shopping again because it was very cool to wander around Covent Garden and Camden Town.

Even if I have already visited England, I think that I still have a lot to learn about this country. Then, I’m sure that this trip will be as rewarding as the first one! And finally, I think that it will be a good way to improve my English even better.

My friends and I in front of London by night.

Tower Bridge.

By Lina Achkir, 1ES2

‘‘Why is the school trip in England important to me ?’’

First of all, the fact that the trip is made by the teachers is pretty interesting, because they allow us to enrich ourselves by choosing historic places to improve our culture. It is not really expensive either, but to my family and I, it has to be budgetted and planned ahead. Anyway, I do not care about the actual cost and I will do my best to gather the money because I have always wanted to go to the UK, ever since I am a little girl. It is definitely one of my dream which will be achieved by mid February ! 🙂 I think that when I am in London, I will be the happiest person in the world ! A dream coming true ! I will go there with my besfriend, so it will be an even better experience. That is for all those reasons that the 2017 school trip to England is important to me.’’

By Putigny Audrey  1L

A great memory of our trip in England! :D

It was on Tuesday, April 4th, 2017 at 6:15PM: About thirty pupils were gathered with their families for an evening meeting about our journey in the UK which took place from February 6th to February 11th, 2017. We started by watching a slideshow with photos summarizing our trip while having comments from Mrs RENAUD, the teacher who organized the trip. After we ate « gougères » offered by the high school but we could also taste English specialties like sweet marmalade and lemon curd but also strange bitter marmite! It was cool to share this experience with our parents ! Indeed, marmite is often surprising, even disgusting and inedible when you are not used to it! Yuck !! Some people enjoyed it though. On the other hand, lemon curd is tasty and pleased most of us. At the same time, our parents and us could browse though the travel diaries displayed on tables, and that was a good opportunity to talk again about our journey. Eventually, our 5 English teachers plus the science teacher and the biology teacher who have accompanied us attended the rewarding time when at the end, 20 pupils were given a prize for the better notebooks filled. The prize was cool since it was a gift card of 10 euros to use in a bookshop and they took a photo of the pupils who won.

It was a very cool party! In fact, we could convey our feelings about the trip and show our family how this journey took place. And, of course, how lucky to eat some  »delicious » marmite! 

Our trip in England – DAY 6 : Saturday 12th March

It was the departure to France. In the morning we said good bye to our different family. Then we took the bus to go back home. We took the ferry and we ate on it. After we took again the bus and we watched « Despicable Me ». We sang together and we had a great moment. We arrived on the college at 11.30 pm. We were tired and we came back to our different home. It was the end of this fabulous trip ! Thank you so much miss Vadot and miss Renaud for organizing this unforgettable travel !


Garance, Maëlys, Faustine