Hey guys ! We are going to describe to you our exciting experience with the E-Twinning project led in our English group this year.
Actually, E-Twinning is a European initiative which offers the possibility for teachers from the 35 participating countries to get in touch with colleagues abroad from all over Europe in order to carry out projects in collaboration between their classes. Mrs MOTTEY, our English teacher, has decided to work with English teachers from Cyprus, Czech Republic, Slovakia and another class in France in Beaune. We were 5 teachers and 75 pupils in the project.
To begin with, we were given some usernames and passwords and we had to fill in a profile by downloading a photo and making our own presentation so that our partner students from the other countries could get some information about us. After, we could talk several times with our correspondents thanks to chat sessions organized by our teachers outside schooltime. Next, the Slovakian pupils sent Xmas cards for all of us last winter and we sent them a parcel with ours in return. Now, after this ice-breaking activities to know the classes we were to work with, we started to introduce our countries, regions and schools. So, about a month ago, we had to elaborate a presentation of our country (France), region (Burgundy), the city of Auxonne and our high-school. The other classes from the other countries involved in this project had to do the same work and that is going to be embedded on our platform, which is called the twinspace. To finish, we have been working for a few weeks on the common subject of our partnership : a study on »employability beyond our final diploma ». After analysing non verbal communication skills and the positive things to do during a job interview thanks to a poll between all the European classes, we had to act a successful and a non successful job interview. We made some videos in pairwork. Our teachers will download all the videos on our common platform and some pupils from each country will select the best videos from abroad, thus marking our work. This project was supposed to finish at the end of April but since our »seconde euro » year is so busy, we will finish it by the end of May.
We think that it is a good project due to the fact that we can exchange with foreign pupils about our homework, our life, our differences of culture and our schools. We have learnt many things with this experience and we will be able to keep in touch with the pupils from these countries if we want too !