Archives par mot-clé : Champ de bataille

Hartmannswillerkopf battlefield

Almost all european countries were confronted to the First World War. All the East part of France was victim of violent confrontation like Verdun’s battlefront and the one of Hartmannswillerkopf.

 It’s situated in Vosges, we called it too “le Verdun des Vosges” (“Verdun of the Vosges”), “la mangeuse d’hommes” (“The eater of men”) or even “montagne de la mort” (“death mountain”).


Between 1914 and 1916, Hartmannswillerkopf was a strategic position for France and Germany thanks to its height of 956 meters and it gave a view of 180° on enemies’ camps (90 km of trenches).

During the war, all soldiers lived in unfortunate conditions in the trenches because of the bad weather (in the cold, humidity, waiting before the battles…). The loss rised up to 30 000 people deceased.


To clear all the mines of this battlefield, it’ll make almost 3 centuries because there still are many rest of munitions, shells…

Today the Hartmannswillerkopf is a memorial of the war what happened in this place.

We hope you have enjoyed reading our article and it gave you the desire to visit this historic place.