Archives de catégorie : Anglais

Dunbrody famine ship by geraud and pierre

About 1.5 century ago , 2 millions Irish people leaved Ireland because of diseases and famine on a boat who used to cross antlantic ocean and across in New York . Survival condition on the boat were bad: so much people died ,and dead bodies of people who died because of diseases were automically thrown out the boat,security condition. Cette exode fut un véritable cataclysme social pour l Irlande ,qui cependant a su se redresser !

Voyage en ferry par Charlotte et Daphnée

We left our high school ah 9:00 a.m. We were so excited but actually everyone get bored about the bus’ travel.
We took two breaks in the day: one for lunch, and another one at 4:00 p.m.
We arrived at 6:00 p.m in Cherbourg in order to go into the ship after a long wait due to the check of all the papers necessary.
We discovered our tiny room for the night. It was a room for 3 or 4 pupils.
Everybody ate what they wanted : lunch box or at restaurant.
The evening, there were several activities like a dance party and a football match on tv or just speaking together. We went to sleep at 11:00 p.m rocked by the movement of the waves.

We woke up with some difficulties for several of us. We had an appointment at quarter to ten for breakfast composed of orange juice, « pain au chocolat », apple compote and a slice of cake.
After we had some free time for the rest of the travel on the ship.