Archives de catégorie : Anglais

Irlande by Salomé and Emma D

During our travel , we were greeted by a lady named Catherine, she has a big house and a dog, we were four and there were two nice rooms of two. At the beginning of the week we gave her each a present to thank her for welcoming us and at the end of the week we gave her another gift for the beautiful week we spent with her. Finally she cooked very well, and her meals were very rich. De plus lors de notre départ catherine était très émue.
Salomé et Emma

our family by Hugo, théo, nicolas and corentin

The first day we have meet Mary, the women where we have live this week, she has 3 dog pepsi, billie and minie, they were so cute, she has too one cat and finshes. Mary loves animals and where she lives many people have fields whith sheep or horses. One evening we went to one house of mary’s friend who was in a wedding, this friends have ask to mary to looking their horses and their sheep. Mary’s friend have dog which was the baby of the mary’s dog.

Nous avons mangé deux foix avec Mary et un soir avec sa fille où nous avons discuter tant bien que mal, lorsque nous avons raconter la rencontre de deux de nos parents à Paris nous avons été surpris du « so cute! » des anglaises car quand elles imaginaient la ville des amoureux et les batifolages soys la dame de fer nous voyons plus le périphérique et la pollution.

Hugo V, théo, nicolas, corentin

Our trip to Ireland by Alexandra and Hortense

We arrived in Ireland at 6pm, Mary came and took us to her place. We ate immediately. She has a daughter (nommée Zoé) and a son (Evan). Her husband (James) wasn’t at home because he works nights. He’s an engineer, Mary works in a bank. Ils nous disaient toujours « make yourself at home ».
La famille habitait dans une maison tout près du point de rendez vous donc nous pouvions y aller à pieds.
The family was very kind and they were always asking us if there was anything we needed.
In Ireland, we didn’t eat such different things than in France (pizza, pastas…).
We did really like our stay at their place. It was a very good experience to be with them.
Nous avons découvert une ville relativement grande qui nous a permis de visiter beaucoup de choses.
Nous avons passé une très bonne semaine en Irlande.
Alexandra et Hortense

The O’Keeffe´s

We were in O’Keeffe  family.
There were 3 children
Cloe is 14 and she loves make up !Sophie is 10 and she plays really good music and basket. Finally, Marck is 8 and he plays a lot of sports like hurling, football gaelique, soccer and basket.
They were really kind !
The parents : Michelle and Carl were so nice, they spoke to us of there Irish life and they told us if we want a Guinness glass, we should go in a pub, because they were really expensive in the gift shop… At the beginning, we thought it was a joke, but they were really serious ! Alright, during a free time, we went in a pub to ask one of these Guinness glass. It was really strange to say : »can we have one of your Guinness glass please ? »
But for the barmen, it was normal, and we had our free Guinness glass for each one…
During this travel, the most think what has us disrupted was steering wheel to the left …
We haven’t eaten a traditional dish, but we experienced the irish tea, and we fell in love with it !
Michelle, the mother gave us a box so that our parents could taste  the irish tea ! It was so nice from her !
We come back in France with full of incredible memories in our eyes !


La vie en famille par Joris et pierre

The family was wonderful : we had a good time with them… We ate chips, pizzas, ans other stuff which made us happy ! After it, we were full as the meal was delicious ! Beds were also quite comfortable, that was a pleasure to sleep in. Unfortunately we didn’t see them often, since we had a lot of places to visit… But we really appreciate this moment, and it would be nice to do it again !
La dame qui nous hébergeait était trés tonique et trés gentille. Il y a une différence entre les Irlandais et les Français, ceux-ci (les Irlandais) n’hésitent jamais à aider, ils sont en général très serviables. Le séjour s’est très bien déroulé, et apprendre la culture irlandaise a vraiment été passionnant !
Joris & Pierre

Cork par Amandine

Pendant notre voyage, on a visité la ville de Cork. Une première fois tous ensemble avec un guide. Notre bus se baladait dans la ville pendant que Paul, le guide, nous racontais des anectodes ou des faits historiques. Nous somme passés devant le marchais anglais.

We came back again in this market a few days later. There are many different things: fish, candy, meat, souvenirs… There are also many people. I think our group was annoying for them. Fifty students inside this market… That’s a lot !

On a tous plus ou moins fait nos emplettes dans le marché anglais, les prix n’étaient pas excessifs et il y avait beaucoup de choix.

The donuts were excellent !

DAns ma famille par Xavier

Dans la famille j’étais avec Marie.
Elle est infirmière.
Le premier jour nous avons mangés un hachis parmentier.
Le deuxième jour après avoir mangés des pâtes avec sa fille nous sommes aller voir les chevaux d’un de ses amis.
Puis le dernier jour nous avons mangés des pizzas avec des frites.

In the familly, I was with Marie
She is nurse.
The 1st day we have eaten a hachis parmentier.
The 2nd day after have eaten pasta with her daughter we went to see the horses of her friend.
Then the last day we have eaten pizzas and chips.

Le ressenti dans les familles par Juliette C et Juliette G


Nous avons été accueillies par une charmante dame en Irlande. She cooked us great meals even if it was not really healthy. For breakfeast, we get some pancakes et black Irish bred with tea. Contrairement aux Français, les Irlandais ne mettent pas beaucoup de chauffage et donc il faisait très froid dans les chambres et dans la maison. Nous avons pu parler avec la dame en anglais pour améliorer celui-ci. The lady was so nice, she was always smiling, and was very happy to welcome us. And she named us « lovely darling ». Avant le départ, elle nous faisait beaucoup de câlins et elle fut triste que nous partions.
During this trip we did a lot of interesting activities. This trip is already unforgetable!!!!